Monday, February 14, 2011

This day stunk!

So much for a good day. Tom's jeep went down during paper route, so went out and drove so he could finish, came home and decided to stay up while he slept as I had taken a nap earlier when Tom was sleeping and had to take him to work in a couple hours anyhow. Took him to work, wished him happy valentine's day then left to work one of my stores. On my way, I saw some guy was hung up on a snow bank and stopped to pull him out. I got my errands done, called Brandon to see if he could fix the jeep and picked up hay for the goats and came home to take nap for a few hours- really needed one by then as I could barely function. Got up and took dogs and Gizmo out, fed cats and Steven called to tell me there was a bunch of chicken marked down in CC, so took off for there since I had to pick up another tote to put away Xmas stuff and drop money off for Austin anyways. Figured I would be fine as long as I made it to pick up Tom by 8:30...but on my way to Ft Wayne, Tom called and asked where I was at 8:20 as he was done already (normally he is not out till 8:30). I told him and he screamed at me. When I got there he couldn't understand why I was mad, yelled some more about me being late, called me self centered and complained that he would only get a few hours of sleep now and that he had planned on getting my valentine's gift (after he told me yesterday he was not getting me anything till wed) and it was too late now. Ran through a drive thru so he could grab a bite to eat, stopped for gas, came home and got the pellet stove going. At least it is not real cold tonight. I need to get my work reported and see if the jeep gets fixed tonight before I lay down so I know if I need to set my alarm to get up to take Tom to the jeep at 1 am, as if I oversleep he will just be mad at me for not waking him up. I hope Brandon can fix it tonight as I have to do an overnight reset on the south side of Ft Wayne tomorrow and not sure how I will swing that and be able to get paper route done too. If Tom drops me off and I get done early, I really don't want to hang around at Walmart in that part of town for several hours- its not a safe side of town. At least I should be able to get some sleep tomorrow if I have Tom take the truck to work, I can put off doing a store I had planned till later in the week.


  1. Ugh Did you at least get your chicken???

  2. Yes, I got everything done....just wound up ticking Tom off in the process. Men! On my way to bed, jeep couldn't be fixed tonight, so will have to take Tom to work in morning and go get a serpentine belt so it can be fixed (I hope) tommorrow morning.
